Sample WAV File Download

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The Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) is a popular choice for storing high-quality audio files because it does not distort the original recording in any way during playback. There is no better quality audio than that found in our uncompressed WAV files.

sample wav file download

On this page, you will find a selection of sample WAV files that you can download and use for various purposes. These samples can be used for testing audio equipment, or as a reference for audio production.

To download sample WAV files, simply click on the download link provided next to the sample. The download should begin automatically, and the file will be saved to your computer.

Sample WAV Files Basic Informations
Filename extension.wav & .wave
Internet media typeaudio/vnd.wave, audio/wav, audio/wave, audio/x-wav
Type codeWAVE
Uniform Type Identifier (UTI)
Developed byIBM & Microsoft
Type of formataudio file format, container format
Extended fromRIFF
Extended toBWF, RF64

We hope you’ll find them helpful. Send us a message if you have any inquiries or ideas for additional samples to include on this page contact us.