Here, You can find Sample GIF File for Testing that you can download and modify as per your uses.
GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This image format is a common format used on the World Wide Web. In this format, the LZW compression algorithm is used.

Unisys owned this algorithm. Some companies need a license issued from Unisys. This kind of format is more suitable for simple and images.
There are many merits to this kind of format. There are 256 colors available in animated GIF so it is best for simple text and shape. It is a lossless compression supportable which do not degrade the quality of the image. It is also support for the transparent background. For this reason, there are many sample GIF file downloads available.
Features of GIF file format:
• The GIF image is having 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 colors which are saved in the color palette.
• It supports LZW compression which is lossless.
• There is interlacing that makes the image looks faster on screen.
• This image format is supporting different software and tools.
• The resolution of the gif image is between 72 and 90 dpi.
The GIF image format is not suitable for the vector image with a gradient background. Additionally, if there is a photographic image then this file format is not suitable. However, it is good for solid color graphics compression.
Table of Contents
ToggleSample GIF Image File for Download
Sample GIF File for Download
I have added below sample GIF File that is approx. 3 MB.
If you need Image URL:
Sample GIF for Testing
I have added below sample GIF for Testing that is approx. 1.3 MB.
Sample GIF Image File
I have added below sample GIF Image File that is approx. 250 KB.
Here, We have added different size GIF images for you. But we missed any then just let us know.

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